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directors Andrew Heckler. Release year 2018. 6,4 of 10 Star. Andrew Heckler. Genre Drama. country USA. Stop falling for others pay to play. Love u my friend. Top definitions related content examples explore dictionary british [ bur -dn. ˈbɜr dn / noun that which is carried; load: a horse's burden of rider and pack. that which is borne with difficulty; obligation; onus: the burden of leadership. Nautical. the weight of a ship's cargo. the carrying capacity of a ship. Metallurgy. the minerals charged into a blast furnace or steelmaking furnace. verb (used with object) to load heavily. to load oppressively; trouble. Words related to burden load, duty, onus, hardship, strain, tax, difficulty, task, responsibility, trouble, anxiety, worry, concern, hinder, depress, afflict, overwhelm, bother, overload, oppress Words nearby burden burble, burbot, burchfield, burckhardt, burd, burden, burden of proof, burdened, burdensome, burdizzo, burdock Origin of burden 1 before 1000; Middle English, variant of burthen, Old English byrthen; akin to German Bürde, Gothic baurthei; see bear 1 OTHER WORDS FROM burden burdener, noun burdenless, adjective Definition for burden (2 of 2) burden 2 [ bur -dn. ˈbɜr dn / noun the main point, message, or idea. Music. the refrain or recurring chorus of a song. Origin of burden 2 1275–1325; Middle English bordoun, burdoun < Old French bourdon droning sound, instrument making such a sound Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2020 Examples from the Web for burden “If Charleston harbor needs improvement, let the commerce of Charleston bear the burden, ” he said. “There are indications that decriminalization can reduce the burden on criminal justice systems, ” the report said. Why do so many put the burden of speaking to race issues on Cosby? While women are often better informed about their health, that means they bear the burden of broaching the topic of HPV. Parents who bring wrongful birth suits seem to face a burden faced by no other plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. It's no the burden, but the ower burden, that kills the beast. Well has one of our greatest poets written, Take up the fat man's burden. Then they went back home to take up the burden that was their share. Robert guessed it all, and whatever remorseful love could do to soften such a strain and burden he tried to do. And why consciences grow so heavy, if there's no one to help to bear the burden. British Dictionary definitions for burden (1 of 2) burden 1 noun something that is carried; load something that is exacting, oppressive, or difficult to bear the burden of responsibility Related adjective: onerous nautical the cargo capacity of a ship the weight of a ship's cargo verb (tr. sometimes foll by up) to put or impose a burden on; load to weigh down; oppress the old woman was burdened with cares Word Origin for burden Old English byrthen; related to beran to bear 1, Old Frisian berthene burden, Old High German burdin British Dictionary definitions for burden (2 of 2) burden 2 noun a line of words recurring at the end of each verse of a ballad or similar song; chorus or refrain the principal or recurrent theme of a speech, book, etc Word Origin for burden C16: from Old French bourdon bass horn, droning sound, of imitative origin Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012.

This is a remarkable story of a man's redemption and those who made it possible through courage and love. There are elements, including the name of the central character and an ironic twist that would seem like artifacts of a writer's mind, but they were not- real people, the events that happened to them, and how they chose to respond to those events, provided a story that called out to be told. Writer/director Andrew Heckler does an amazing job telling the story and the cast is terrific. U killed this song and video get em BURDEN -Bigkev. 'BURDEN' is a 6 letter word starting with B and ending with N Crossword clues for 'BURDEN' Clue Answer Burden (4) LOAD Charge a firearm, eg (4) Laundromat quantity (4) Ton of bricks, e. g. (4) Prepare for a snap (4) Washer capacity (4) Burden or weight (4) Assigned amount of work (4) Amount a washing machine holds (4) Prepare to shoot (4) Take a. off (4) Washing machine filler (4) Mutual fund charge (4) Washerful (4) Laundry unit (4) Trucker's unit (4) Put ammo into (4) Washing machine contents (4) Work assignment (4) Main theme of a book (6) BURDEN Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BURDEN We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word burden will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 3 letter words ADD  - BAG  - BIS  - BOB  - BOX  - CAN  - LAY  - NET  - PUT  - SET  - TAG  - TAX  - TRY  - WOE 4 letter words BALE  - BANE  - BASS  - BODY  - BOOK  - BUSY  - CARE  - CASE  - CLOG  - CODA  - CORE  - DRAG  - DUTY  - EVIL  - FILL  - GALL  - GIST  - HARM  - HAUL  - HEAD  - HEAP  - JOIN  - LADE  - LAME  - LEVY  - LIME  - LINE  - LOAD  - MASS  - MEAT  - MUST  - ONUS  - PACK  - PART  - PEST  - PILE  - PITH  - PLUS  - PREY  - PUSH  - ROOM  - SACK  - SHIP  - STOW  - TASK  - TEXT  - TIRE  - TOIL  - VOCE  - WORK  - YOKE 5 letter words AFFIX  - ANNEX  - BASIS  - BRUNT  - CANTO  - CARGO  - CHANT  - CRAMP  - CRATE  - CROSS  - CURSE  - DEATH  - DITTO  - DRIVE  - DRONE  - ENVOI  - EPODE  - EXACT  - GRIEF  - GUILT  - HAUNT  - INFIX  - ISSUE  - LAY ON  - LIE ON  - LIMIT  - MOTIF  - OCTET  - OUGHT  - PLACE  - POINT  - PUT ON  - SENSE  - SHORT  - SNARL  - SPACE  - STACK  - STAVE  - STICK  - STORE  - SWEAT  - TAG ON  - THEME  - THORN  - TOPIC  - TUTTI  - UPSET  - VERSE  - VOICE  - WEARY  - WEIGH 6 letter words ADJOIN  - AMOUNT  - ANNEXE  - APPEND  - ATTACH  - BARREL  - BOTHER  - BOTTLE  - BRIDGE  - BURDEN  - CHARGE  - CHORUS  - CUMBER  - DEMAND  - DEVOIR  - ENJOIN  - ENMESH  - ENTOIL  - ENTRAP  - ETHICS  - FEALTY  - FETTER  - FIGURE  - GLUE ON  - HAMPER  - HEAP UP  - HINDER  - HOBBLE  - HOMAGE  - IMPACT  - IMPEDE  - IMPOSE  - LADING  - LUMBER  - MATTER  - MISERY  - MOTIVE  - NUBBIN  - OBSESS  - OCTAVE  - PERIOD  - PHRASE  - PLAGUE  - POCKET  - PREFIX  - PREY ON  - REPEAT  - RUBRIC  - SADDLE  - SEPTET  - SESTET  - SEXTET  - SLAP ON  - SORROW  - STANZA  - STRAIN  - STRESS  - SUFFIX  - TACK ON  - TANGLE  - TAXING  - TERCET  - THRUST  - TREBLE  - TRY ONE  - UPSHOT  - VOLUME  - WEIGHT 7 letter words AFFLICT  - AGITATE  - BOURDON  - BUGBEAR  - BURTHEN  - CADENCE  - CARLOAD  - CHAPTER  - CONCERN  - CONJOIN  - CONTENT  - CORDAGE  - COUPLET  - CRIPPLE  - DEPRESS  - DISEASE  - DISTICH  - DISTURB  - ENSNARL  - ENTWINE  - ESSENCE  - EXHAUST  - FREIGHT  - HEADING  - HITCH ON  - INCUBUS  - INVOLVE  - LOADING  - LOYALTY  - MEASURE  - MISSION  - NEMESIS  - OPPRESS  - OVERTAX  - PASSAGE  - PASTE ON  - PAYLOAD  - PENALTY  - PERTURB  - POSTFIX  - PROBLEM  - PURPORT  - PUT DOWN  - PUT TO IT  - PUT UPON  - PUT WITH  - REFRAIN  - RESPECT  - SCOURGE  - SECTION  - SHACKLE  - STAGGER  - STOWAGE  - STROPHE  - SUBJECT  - SUBJOIN  - TONNAGE  - TORMENT  - TRAMMEL  - TRIPLET  - TROUBLE  - VANLOAD  - WEAR OUT  - WEIGH ON 8 letter words BUSINESS  - CALAMITY  - CAPACITY  - CARTLOAD  - CHARGING  - CRUSH ONE  - DECORATE  - DEVOTION  - DISQUIET  - DISTRESS  - ENCUMBER  - ENTANGLE  - EXERCISE  - FALDERAL  - FALSETTO  - FOLDEROL  - GRAVAMEN  - HANDICAP  - IMPOSE ON  - JOIN WITH  - KEEP BUSY  - MOVEMENT  - NUISANCE  - ORNAMENT  - OVERLOAD  - OVERTASK  - OVERWORK  - PACK AWAY  - PECCANCY  - POUNDAGE  - PRESSURE  - QUANTITY  - QUATRAIN  - QUESTION  - REPETEND  - RESPONSE  - SADDLING  - SHIPLOAD  - STRENGTH  - SUPERADD  - SYLLABLE  - TRISTICH  - VEXATION  - YOKE WITH 9 letter words ALBATROSS  - ANACRUSIS  - BETE NOIRE  - BITTER CUP  - BURDENING  - CUMBRANCE  - DEFERENCE  - DRONE BASS  - EMBARRASS  - ENTRAMMEL  - GO ILL WITH  - GRIEVANCE  - HAMSTRING  - HEAD VOICE  - HEXASTICH  - INFLICT ON  - INTERLUDE  - LIABILITY  - MAIN POINT  - MILLSTONE  - MONOSTICH  - OCTASTICH  - OPEN WOUND  - OVERDRIVE  - OVERWEIGH  - PRESS DOWN  - STATEMENT  - SUBJECT TO  - SUBSTANCE  - SUPERPOSE  - SURCHARGE  - TAILPIECE  - TERZA RIMA  - TRAINLOAD  - TRUCKLOAD  - UNDERSONG  - UNITE WITH  - VARIATION  - WEIGH DOWN  - WEIGH UPON 10 letter words AFFLICTION  - ALLEGIANCE  - BEAR DOWN ON  - BITTER PILL  - BURDEN WITH  - CALL OF DUTY  - CHEST VOICE  - COLORATURA  - COMMITMENT  - COMPLICATE  - COMPLICITY  - DEAD WEIGHT  - DEADWEIGHT  - DEDICATION  - DIFFICULTY  - DIRTY HANDS  - DISCOMFORT  - EXPOSITION  - FASTEN UPON  - GO HARD WITH  - GUILTINESS  - HEPTASTICH  - IMPEDIMENT  - IMPERATIVE  - IMPOSE UPON  - IMPOSITION  - INCUMBENCY  - INFLICTION  - INTERMEZZO  - LINE OF DUTY  - OBLIGATION  - OPPRESSION  - OTTAVA RIMA  - OVERBURDEN  - OVERTAXING  - OVERWEIGHT  - PENTASTICH  - PESTILENCE  - RESOLUTION  - RHYME ROYAL  - RITORNELLO  - SADDLE WITH  - TETRASTICH  - VISITATION  - WEIGHT DOWN 11 letter words AGGLUTINATE  - ANTISTROPHE  - BASS PASSAGE  - BITTER DRAFT  - BLOODY HANDS  - BOUNDEN DUTY  - CRIMINALITY  - CULPABILITY  - DESTRUCTION  - DEVELOPMENT  - ENCUMBRANCE  - FREIGHT WITH  - IMPEDIMENTA  - IMPLICATION  - INCULPATION  - INFLICT UPON  - INVOLVEMENT  - LIVING ISSUE  - RUNNING SORE  - TRAILERLOAD  - VOCE DI PETTO  - VOCE DI TESTA 12 letter words ASSIGNED TASK  - BEAR HARD UPON  - BURDEN OF CARE  - DISADVANTAGE  - LOAD WITH CARE  - MATTER IN HAND  - POINT AT ISSUE  - REST HARD UPON  - TUTTI PASSAGE  - WEIGH HEAVY ON 13 letter words ACCOMMODATION  - BITTER DRAUGHT  - CENSURABILITY  - CHARGEABILITY  - CROWN OF THORNS  - EMBARRASSMENT  - HARMONIC CLOSE  - INCONVENIENCE  - INDICTABILITY  - MUSICAL PHRASE  - OVERWEIGHTING  - PRESS HARD UPON  - RED-HANDEDNESS  - REPROVABILITY  - SEA OF TROUBLES  - SUBJECT MATTER  - WHITE ELEPHANT 14 letter words ARRAIGNABILITY  - CENSURABLENESS  - CRUSHING BURDEN  - HAUNT THE MEMORY  - IMPEACHABILITY  - INDICTABLENESS  - PACK OF TROUBLES  - PECK OF TROUBLES  - REPROVABLENESS  - RESPONSIBILITY  - WEIGHT DOWN WITH 15 letter words ARRAIGNABLENESS  - BLAMEWORTHINESS  - FOCUS OF INTEREST  - GALL AND WORMWOOD  - IMPEACHABLENESS  - MUSICAL SENTENCE  - POINT IN QUESTION  - SELF-IMPOSED DUTY  - SUPERINCUMBENCY 16 letter words CANKERWORM OF CARE  - FOCUS OF ATTENTION  - GUILTY CONSCIENCE  - REPREHENSIBILITY  - REPROACHABLENESS  - SPENSERIAN STANZA  - SUBJECT OF THOUGHT 18 letter words INTRODUCTORY PHRASE  - WATERS OF BITTERNESS 25 letter words DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Definition of burden weight down with a load an onerous or difficult concern; the burden of responsibility. that's a load off my mind" the central idea that is expanded in a document or discourse Anagrams of burden BUNDER - BURNED - UNBRED Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a definition for the word if we have one. We hope that you find the site useful. Regards, The Crossword Solver Team More clues you might be interested in holiday ruin of good omen out of action peeper show off inhabit factor cut shorter dishevelled sanctuary pedant jewish candelabrum thought authorisation holidays gaudy ancient linear measure denial mongolian circular tent sickly tropical cyclone lech okay authorization lawful cosmetic crucial Flowing pennons annoy.

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Free Download burdens. All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. I am weary of the earth-damps; they burden me; they choke me! She would cast her burden on Him, for she knew He cared for her. The burden was hard to bear, yet I prayed for strength to bear it. Sin brings its punishment, and it is hard work, bearing its burden! She had taken Anna into business with her, but the burden of the partnership had always been on Harriet. They would never be a burden again—never, as long as she had strength and health! It is very disagreeable when one's income becomes a burden. said Christine gravely. With that the girl was off, and Renmark carried his burden alone. Relieved of her burden, she rose and went to the poor, twisted foot.

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Burden   (bûr′dn) n. 1. Something that is carried. 2. a. Something that is emotionally difficult to bear. b. A source of great worry or stress; weight: The burden of economic sacrifice rests on the workers of the plant. 3. A responsibility or duty: The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me. 4. A principal or recurring idea; a theme: The burden of what he said was to defend enthusiastically the conservative aristocracy" J. A. Froude. 5. Music a. A drone, as of a bagpipe or pedal point. Archaic The chorus or refrain of a composition. c. Archaic The bass accompaniment to a song. 6. Nautical a. The amount of cargo that a vessel can carry. The weight of the cargo carried by a vessel at one time. 7. The amount of a disease-causing entity present in an organism. tr. v. burdened, burdening, burdens 1. To cause difficulty or distress to; distress or oppress. To load or overload. [Middle English, from Old English byrthen; see bher- in Indo-European roots. Noun, senses 4 and 5, influenced by bourdon. Synonyms: burden, affliction, albatross, cross, millstone, trial, tribulation These nouns denote something onerous or troublesome: the burden of a guilty conscience; considered the television an affliction that destroyed the spirit of community; a poorly built home that became his albatross; an unhappy marriage that became a cross to bear; a routine duty that turned into a millstone; a troublemaker who is a trial to the teacher; suffered many tribulations in rising from poverty. See Also Synonyms at substance. burden ( ˈbɜːdən) n 1. something that is carried; load 2. something that is exacting, oppressive, or difficult to bear: the burden of responsibility. (Nautical Terms) nautical a. the cargo capacity of a ship b. the weight of a ship's cargo vb ( tr) 4. sometimes foll by up) to put or impose a burden on; load 5. to weigh down; oppress: the old woman was burdened with cares. [Old English byrthen; related to beran to bear 1, Old Frisian berthene burden, Old High German burdin] burden ( ˈbɜːdən) n 1. (Music, other) a line of words recurring at the end of each verse of a ballad or similar song; chorus or refrain 2. (Rhetoric) the principal or recurrent theme of a speech, book, etc 3. (Music, other) another word for bourdon [C16: from Old French bourdon bass horn, droning sound, of imitative origin] bur•den 1 (ˈbɜr dn) n. that which is carried; load. that which is borne with difficulty; onus: the burden of leadership. the weight of a ship's cargo. the carrying capacity of a ship. t. to load heavily. to load oppressively; trouble. [before 1000; Middle English, variant of burthen, Old English byrthen] bur•den 2 (ˈbɜr dn) n. an often repeated main point, message, or idea. a musical refrain; chorus. [1275–1325; Middle English bordoun, burdoun < Old French bourdon droning sound, instrument making such a sound] burden, refrain, chorus - The burden is the main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument—or the refrain or chorus of a song. See also related terms for refrain. Burden  a fixed quantity of a commodity; a heavy load; the chorus of a song. See also charge, load, trust. Examples: burden of armour, 1595; of brass [debts] 1601; of corn, 1523; of despair, 1812; of gold, 1440; of rushes, 1560; of sin, 1303; of sorrows, 1374; of steel [120 lb. of thorns, 1449; of verse, 1598; of weeds, 1527. Burden   albatross around the neck Burden, weight; any inhibiting encumbrance. In Samuel Taylor Coleridges The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798) the slayer of the albatross—a bird of good omen to sailors—was punished by having the dead bird hung about his neck. Though within the context of the poem the dead albatross symbolizes guilt and punishment for sin, its contemporary use rarely carries this connotation. Often an albatross around ones neck is no more than a burdensome annoyance, a “drag” that inhibits ones freedom or lessens ones pleasure. ball and chain A wife; ones girl friend or mistress; any person perceived as a burden or hindrance. This figurative meaning of ball and chain is derived from the iron ball which is secured by a chain to the leg of a prisoner in order to prevent escape. Insofar as having a wife inhibits ones freedom, this slang expression is apt He deliberately attempted to commit suicide by askin me “Hows the ball and chain? ” meanin my wife. Colliers, June 25, 1921) cross to bear A painful burden or affliction; an oppressive encumbrance. The expression derives from the heavy cross which Jesus was forced to carry up Mount Calvary, and upon which he was subsequently crucified. Though the phrase most often applies to serious illness, pain, or handicaps, it is frequently extended to include any bothersome annoyance, any unpleasant person or circumstance that must be endured. a millstone around the neck A heavy burden, an onus, a cross. A millstone is either of a pair of round, weighty stones between which grain and other like materials are ground in a mill. The mill-stone intended for the necks of those vermin … the dealers in corn, was found to fall upon the heads of the consumers. (Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury, 1787) The metaphor is said to have been suggested by the Biblical passage (Matthew 18:6) in which Jesus warns those who would corrupt the pure and humble nature of children: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. a monkey on ones back A depressing, often controlling burden; a cross to bear; an addiction or dependence. This phrase may be a variation of the obsolete a turkey on ones back, but the implication remains the same: an addict carries an extra burden, one demanding a large, if not total, commitment of time, effort, and money to support. Having a monkey on your back … always worked out logically to be the first purpose in a junkies life. (E. R. Johnson, God Keepers, 1970) white elephant An unwanted or useless possession that is difficult to dispose of; a possession that costs more to keep and maintain than it is worth. This expression probably alludes to the albino elephants which were once considered sacred in Siam (now Thailand. Since an elephant of any color is inconvenient and expensive to own, it was purportedly a custom for a king to bestow one of these unique white elephants as a gift upon a courtier or other person whom he wished to subject to financial ruin. In the United States, tag sales, garage sales, and rummage sales are often appropriately nicknamed white elephant sales. burden Past participle: burdened Gerund: burdening Imperative burden burden Present I burden you burden he/she/it burdens we burden you burden they burden Preterite I burdened you burdened he/she/it burdened we burdened you burdened they burdened Present Continuous I am burdening you are burdening he/she/it is burdening we are burdening you are burdening they are burdening Present Perfect I have burdened you have burdened he/she/it has burdened we have burdened you have burdened they have burdened Past Continuous I was burdening you were burdening he/she/it was burdening we were burdening you were burdening they were burdening Past Perfect I had burdened you had burdened he/she/it had burdened we had burdened you had burdened they had burdened Future I will burden you will burden he/she/it will burden we will burden you will burden they will burden Future Perfect I will have burdened you will have burdened he/she/it will have burdened we will have burdened you will have burdened they will have burdened Future Continuous I will be burdening you will be burdening he/she/it will be burdening we will be burdening you will be burdening they will be burdening Present Perfect Continuous I have been burdening you have been burdening he/she/it has been burdening we have been burdening you have been burdening they have been burdening Future Perfect Continuous I will have been burdening you will have been burdening he/she/it will have been burdening we will have been burdening you will have been burdening they will have been burdening Past Perfect Continuous I had been burdening you had been burdening he/she/it had been burdening we had been burdening you had been burdening they had been burdening Conditional I would burden you would burden he/she/it would burden we would burden you would burden they would burden Past Conditional I would have burdened you would have burdened he/she/it would have burdened we would have burdened you would have burdened they would have burdened Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Noun 1. burden - an onerous or difficult concern; the burden of responsibility. that's a load off my mind" encumbrance, onus, incumbrance, load headache, worry, vexation, concern - something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; New York traffic is a constant concern. it's a major worry" dead weight - an oppressive encumbrance fardel - a burden (figuratively in the form of a bundle) imposition - an uncalled-for burden; he listened but resented the imposition" pill - something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured; his competitor's success was a bitter pill to take" 2. burden - weight to be borne or conveyed   load, loading burthen - a variant of `burden' dead load - a constant load on a structure (e. g. a bridge) due to the weight of the supported structure itself live load, superload - a variable load on a structure (e. a bridge) such as moving traffic millstone - any load that is difficult to carry overburden, overload - an excessive burden overload - an electrical load that exceeds the available electrical power weight - an artifact that is heavy 3. burden - the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work gist, essence, effect, core meaning, signification, import, significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; what is the meaning of this sentence. the significance of a red traffic light. the signification of Chinese characters. the import of his announcement was ambiguous" 4. burden - the central idea that is expanded in a document or discourse idea, thought - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; it was not a good idea. the thought never entered my mind" Verb 1. burden - weight down with a load     burthen, weight, weight down overburden - load with excessive weight plumb - weight with lead charge - fill or load to capacity; charge the wagon with hay" saddle - load or burden; encumber; he saddled me with that heavy responsibility" disburden, unburden - take the burden off; remove the burden from; unburden the donkey" 2. burden - impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to; He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend" saddle, charge overburden - burden with too much work or responsibility bear down - exert a force or cause a strain upon; This tax bears down on the lower middle class" flood out, overwhelm, deluge - charge someone with too many tasks command, require - make someone do something adjure - command solemnly burden noun 1. trouble, care, worry, trial, weight, responsibility, stress, strain, anxiety, sorrow, grievance, affliction, onus, albatross, millstone, encumbrance Her illness will be an impossible burden on him. verb 1. weigh down, worry, load, tax, strain, bother, overwhelm, handicap, oppress, inconvenience, overload, saddle with, encumber, trammel, incommode We decided not to burden him with the news. Related words adjective onerous burden 1 noun 1. Something carried physically: 2. Something hard to bear physically or emotionally: 3. A duty or responsibility that is a source of anxiety, worry, or hardship: 4. An act or course of action that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, law, or religion: verb To place a burden or heavy load on: burden 2 noun 1. The thread or current of thought uniting or occurring in all the elements of a text or discourse: 2. The general sense or significance, as of an action or statement.

Free download burning. Such a Amazing song we all need someone God is always there in A.A. our one of are slogans is Give Time Time it is a hard one to think because we want it know it's all in God's time ♥️✌️to you. What about dropping on Spotify man? I'm waiting for that. Damn, This band is Amazing.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥dope. YouTube. The Crossword Solver found 200 answers to the burden crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. Enter a Crossword Clue Sort by Length # of Letters or Pattern Was the Clue Answered? YES NO Click No to suggest a clue. Free Download buren. I thank him for this song, it got me through a very hard time in my life. I cried the first time I heard it. Another banger 🔥🔥🐐👑🤘. My favorite in this comp is when the cat accidentally poops into that chick's coffee. Classic.

Free Download burden. BURDEN bur' dn. 1. In the Old Testament: In the Old Testament more than one word is rendered "burden. " 1) massa' from a root nasa' he lifted up. Thus literally any load is called massa. Exodus 23:5; Numbers 4:15, 24, 27; 2 Kings 5:17; 8:9. Figuratively, people are a burden ( Numbers 11:11, 17; Deuteronomy 1:12; 2 Samuel 15:33; 19:35. A man may be a burden to himself ( Job 7:20. Iniquities are a burden ( Psalms 38:4. Taxes may be a burden ( Hosea 8:10. (2) In both the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American) massa' is translated "burden. as applied to certain prophetic utterances; but both the American Revised Version, margin and the Revised Version, margin have "oracle. Examples are Isaiah 13:1; 14:28, and often; Jeremiah 23:33, 36, 38, no marginal reading; Ezekiel 12:10; Nahum 1:1; Habakkuk 1:1; Zechariah 9:1; 12:1; Malachi 1:1. As was natural under the circumstances, such oracles usually denounced judgment upon place or people. Hence, probably the translation "burden. But some of these prophetic utterances do not contain denunciation or threat ( Zechariah 12. The passage in Jer, moreover, implies that the prophet used the term in the sense of "oraele. for scoffers are reproved for perverting the word and giving it the meaning "burden. Massa' therefore, means something taken up with solemnity upon the lips, whether threatening or not, and the rendering, burden. ought most likely to be given up. The word mas' eth, of the same derivation as massa' is applied to foolish oracles ( Lamentations 2:14 the King James Version, oracles the American Standard Revised Version, burdens the American Revised Version, margin, burdens the Revised Version (British and American) oracles the Revised Version, margin; Amos 5:11, burdens the King James Version, exactions the American Standard Revised Version and the Revised Version (British and American. Massa' is used also in Proverbs 30:1 and Proverbs 31:1, and is variously rendered prophecy (the King James Version) oracle (American Revised Version) burden, or the name of the speaker's country (Revised Version margin, the American Revised Version, margin) oracle (Revised Version. The reading is doubtful, but probably the reference is to the speaker's country. Jakeh, of Massa" compare Genesis 25:14. Lemuel king of Massa. " Other words translated "burden" are from the root cabhal, to bear a load. Nehemiah 4:17; Psalms 81:6; 1 Kings 11:28; King James Version margin, charge the King James Version, labor the American Standard Revised Version and the Revised Version (British and American) burden the American Revised Version, margin and the Revised Version, margin, Exodus 5:4, 5; 6:6, 7; Isaiah 10:27; Isaiah 14:25. 2. In the New Testament: In the New Testament several Greek words mean "burden. " 1) baros, something heavy. Burdens of the day ( Matthew 20:12) the burden of duty to be borne, a difficult requirement ( Acts 15:28; Revelation 2:24. The burden of one's moral infirmities ( Galatians 6:2. (2) phortion, something to be borne. The obligation which Christ imposes ( Matthew 11:30) the legal ordinances of the Pharisees ( Luke 11:46) a man's individual responsibility ( Galatians 6:5. Whether any clear and consistent distinction can be made between these two words is doubtful. Probably, however, phortion refers to the load as something to be borne, whether heavy or light, whilst baros may be an oppressive load. According to Lightfoot baros may suggest a load of which a man may rightly rid himself should occasion serve, but phortion a burden which he is expected to bear, as every soldier carries his own pack. But most likely too much weight should not be given to these distinctions. (3) There is also the word gomos, the freight" of a ship ( Acts 21:3) compare ogkos, weight or encumbrance which impedes the runner's progress to the goal ( Hebrews 12:1) with particular reference to the superfluous flesh which an athlete seeks to get rid of in training (compare 1 Corinthians 9:24-27) and figuratively whatever hinders the full development of Christian manhood. George Henry Trever.

Free Download bardenas. This movie left off an important is Junior. Be careful that you don't find yourself leagaly in trouble. One of my favorite songs. Listen to this everyday. 🔥🔥🔥. 2 wins & 1 nomination. See more awards  » Edit Storyline When a museum celebrating the Ku Klux Klan opens in a small South Carolina town, the idealistic Reverend Kennedy resolves to do everything in his power to prevent racial tensions from boiling over. But the members of Kennedy's congregation are shocked to discover that his plan includes sheltering Mike Burden, a Klansman whose relationships with both a single-mother and a high-school friend force him to re-examine his long-held beliefs. After Kennedy helps Mike leave behind his violent past, the Baptist preacher finds himself on a collision course with manipulative KKK leader Tom Griffin. In the face of grave threats to himself and his family, the resolute Kennedy bravely pursues a path toward peace, setting aside his own misgivings in the hopes of healing his wounded community. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Taglines: A young man's love affair puts him in deadly peril with the Southern community that raised him. Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for disturbing violent content, and language throughout including racial epithets Details Release Date: 21 January 2018 (USA) See more  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia At Sundance 2018, writer/director Andrew Heckler revealed that he had actually written the script for Burden back in 1998, and carried it for almost 20 years until it was finally produced. See more ».

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Definition of burden from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus Cambridge University Press) Examples of burden burden On the one hand there is the bottom-up reaction among elders themselves against welfare cuts and the associated images of the burdens of ageing. However, though governments may appear to give away sovereignty by including production interests in policy making, they also give burdens of authority to these actors. These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. More examples Fewer examples Both authors hypothesized that this may be due to reduced scent emission by birds with reduced parasite burdens. I focus here, however, on the institutional constraints on groups' efforts to externalize their long-term burdens. All of these place additional burdens on radiotherapy physics as they necessitate additional quality assurance, more maintenance and more complex treatment planning. Consistently reproducible worm burdens were obtained without the need of immunosuppression or exsheathment of larvae prior to inoculation. The heaviest and therefore the oldest rodents would have had the longest exposure and opportunity to accumulate worm burdens. The prevalence and mean intensity quantified as the number of eggs and oocysts per gram of faeces were taken as a measure of parasite burdens. Since worm burdens can be very heavy in nature, density dependent processes may constrain parasite growth. Samples of intestinal contents and mucosal digests were taken and fixed in 10% formalin for an estimation of total worm burdens. The provision of a low dose (100 ova) in some of the experiments produced mice with lower burdens in the brain. Geckoes with high worm burdens may be more easily captured by predators. Geckoes with high worm burdens may be more easily captured by predators, especially juvenile geckoes. In addition, portal hepatitis and portal, septal and, on occasions, perisinusoidal fibrosis were observed, especially in lambs with large worm burdens. Across government, departments have been told to set new targets for reducing (by fixed percentages) the information burdens that they impose on businesses. Collocations with burden These are words often used in combination with burden. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. added burden However, on the margins, where older people did live alone and had the added burden of disability or frailty, circumstances were difficult. additional burden These outcomes would all constitute additional burden in general practice. administrative burden Monitoring is consigned to institution heads, which invites an almost unrealistic administrative burden. Translations of burden { setText} in Chinese (Traditional) in Japanese in Turkish in French in Catalan in Arabic in Czech in Danish in Indonesian in Thai in Vietnamese in Polish in Malay in German in Norwegian in Korean in Portuguese in Chinese (Simplified) in Italian in Russian in Spanish { translatePanelDefaultEntry. entryLeft} See more 負荷,重負, 負擔,重擔, 煩擾… (精神的な)重荷, 負担, ~に負担をかける… عِبء, يُثقِل عَلى… ภาระ, สิ่งที่ต้องแบกขึ้นเขา, รับภาระ… gánh nặng (thuế) gánh nặng, đè nặng lên… beban cukai, beban, membebani… die Bürde, die Last, belasten… 负荷,重负, 负担,重担, 烦扰… carga, cargar, cargar a alguien… Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation.

I saw Burden at Sundance, and was captured with how poignant this film is. The tale is an incredible story- and has really effected me on many levels. Even though the story is 20 years old- the lesson is very timeless.


Bangin track. Noun. Something that weighs you down. Usually a worry or a sore point you don't share with close friends or orangutangs. You can also be a burden on someone else when you try and talk about your problems and worries to someone else. Physical Hang ups, girlfriends, wife (wives) or debt. all of these are burdens. Hayley: I'm worried! Steve: Shut up you have so many burdens! Don't become a burden yourself. To drag, suck, ruin and anchor and break everyonees lives, Notoriously known for ruining eveeryones life Master I. o. u's Synonym: Sebastian fournier, leech, anchors, burden society, scum, dirt " Damn, I can't buy smokes because he borrowed all my money, what a burden on my wallet.

Free download burn disc. I really like this one Burden.

Love it but I love everything burden does

The summer and winter taxes on my second home in California created such a burden that I had to put it up for sale. 16 people found this helpful A man who lost his parents in his teenage years and is also physically disabled carries a huge burden for the rest of his life. The current U. S. debt is a huge burden. 14 The burden of taxes were to much for the small business and their shrinking budget so they were forced to close their doors for good. people found this helpful.

Free Download bordenave. Definitions Several donkeys being used as beasts of burden. noun The definition of a burden is something carried, a worry or sadness, or a responsibility. The cargo in a ship is an example of a burden. The sadness of your mother's illness is an example of a burden. An example of a burden is the duties that come with being a new parent. verb Burden is defined as making heavy with a load or with emotion. To pack a mule for a trip is an example of burden. An example of burden is to tell someone about your terrible week at work. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp Link/Cite Link to this page Cite this page MLA Style "Burden. YourDictionary. LoveToKnow... APA Style Burden. (n. d. In YourDictionary. Retrieved from burden anything that is carried; load anything one has to bear or put up with; heavy load, as of work, duty, responsibility, or sorrow the carrying of loads: a beast of burden the carrying capacity of a ship Origin of burden Middle English birthen from Old English byrthen, akin to Old Norse byrthr, a load: for Indo-European base see bear to put a burden on; load; weigh down; oppress Archaic a bass accompaniment in music a chorus or refrain of a song the drone of a bagpipe a repeated, central idea; theme: the burden of a speech Origin of burden Middle English burdoun, bass in music, refrain from Old French bourdon, a humming, buzzing from Medieval Latin burdo, wind instrument, bumblebee; of echoic origin, originally Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. burden noun Something that is carried. a. Something that is emotionally difficult to bear. b. A source of great worry or stress; weight: The burden of economic sacrifice rests on the workers of the plant. A responsibility or duty: The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me. A principal or recurring idea; a theme: “The burden of what he said was to defend enthusiastically the conservative aristocracy” ( J. A. Froude) Music a. A drone, as of a bagpipe or pedal point. Archaic The chorus or refrain of a composition. c. Archaic The bass accompaniment to a song. Nautical a. The amount of cargo that a vessel can carry. The weight of the cargo carried by a vessel at one time. The amount of a disease-causing entity present in an organism. transitive verb burdened, burdening, burdens To cause difficulty or distress to; distress or oppress. To load or overload. Origin of burden Middle English from Old English byrthen; see bher- 1 in Indo-European, senses 4 and 5, influenced by bourdon THE AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. Copyright 2016, 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. burden burden   1 affliction cross trial tribulation These nouns denote something onerous or troublesome: the burden of a guilty conscience; indebtedness that is an affliction; a temper that is her cross; a troublemaker who is a trial to the teacher; suffered many tribulations in rising from poverty. See Also Synonyms at substance. Noun ( plural burdens) A heavy load. A responsibility, onus. A cause of worry; that which is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive. The capacity of a vessel, or the weight of cargo that she will carry. a ship of a hundred tons burden (mining) The tops or heads of stream-work which lie over the stream of tin. (metalworking) The proportion of ore and flux to fuel, in the charge of a blast furnace. A fixed quantity of certain commodities. A burden of gad steel is 120 pounds. Verb ( third-person singular simple present burdens, present participle burdening, simple past and past participle burdened) To encumber with a burden ( in any of the noun senses of the word. to burden a nation with taxes To impose, as a load or burden; to lay or place as a burden (something heavy or objectionable. Origin From Middle English burden, birden, burthen, birthen, byrthen, from Old English byrden, byrþen (“burden, load, weight; charge, duty”) from Proto-Germanic *burþinjō (“burden”) from Proto-Germanic *burþį̄ (“burden”) from Proto-Indo-European *bʰer- “to carry, bear”. Cognate with Scots burthine (“burden”) Middle Low German borden (“burden”) Middle High German bürden (“burden, load”. Related to Old English byrd (“burden”) German Bürde (“burden, weight”) Danish byrde (“burden”) Swedish börde (“burden”) Icelandic byrði (“burden”. Noun ( plural burdens) music) A phrase or theme that recurs at the end of each verse in a folk song or ballad. The drone of a bagpipe. Origin From Old French bordon. See bourdon. English Wiktionary. Available under CC-BY-SA license. burden - Legal Definition n A duty, obligation, or responsibility. Something that causes anxiety or is grievous or oppressive. In property law, anything that encumbers or restrict the use or value of land, such as an easement, restrictive covenant, or zoning ordinance. The burden indefinitely binds the current and all future owners until it is extinguished, so it is the land, and the landowner, that is burdened by the encumbrance or restriction. See estate. Webster's New World Law Dictionary Copyright 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Synonyms Sentences Sentence examples.

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I just finished watching this film at the Traverse City Film Festival, I absolutely cannot rave enough about this film! the cinematography, the acting, the dialogue, everything is absolutely spot on! It is so intense that you, as the viewer, can feel the struggle that Mike Burden is going through and it just captures you and sucks you right in. especially if you know anything about the backstory on it and what really happened. To be honest this film emotionally drained me, I am literally exhausted from watching it. I would even have to go as far as to giving it 6 out of 5 stars, this is one of those do not miss movies.

One of my most favorite psychedelic bands.



Burden - by Moody John, February 10, 2020
4.1/ 5stars

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